Monday, July 11, 2011

How to Inherit a Blessing

1 Peter 3:9 says "Do not repay evil for evil". This is interesting seeing as when someone treats us bad, we want to retaliate. Sometimes I have mental escapades of me being super woman and taking out the bad guy. Especially when someone has been mean to someone I love. But, I have to immediately repent, because I don't want to miss a promise of God, and I know blessings come from obedience. Check out the promise....
The rest of the verse says..."because to this you were called, so that you may inherit a blessing." See there it is....
If we repay evil to someone who mistreats us, we miss the blessing of God. Also, if we will step out of the way, God says "vengeance belongs to Him. I will repay, says the Lord." So next time someone treats you rudely or unfairly, let this motivate you to be kind. Push past the emotions of the moment and remember that you will inherit a blessing from God Almighty! Powerful and that is a good thing I don't want to miss.

Strife Steals My Blessing

Where there is striving, there is no grace. Where I compete and war to be in control, there is no life of God. I started thinking about this in my marriage. When I bring strife into our home, whether it is controlling, seeking my own way, or demanding expectations on my mate, God can't bless me. I want to be blessed. I want prosperity. I want growth and multiplication and I know that strife will steal this from me. So the encouragement.....begin to ask God for Grace to honor your mate and love them. That is what I am doing. And know, it doesn't have to be about how you feel. It can be about obedience to God.