Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How To Receive & Communicate with God

Following God is the greatest joy known to man. Following God is not keeping a system of rules and regulations like most of us can fall into so mistakingly interpreting it to be. Following God is a relationship with the Creator God. An intimate experience of getting to know the one who made us. Hearing His voice and being able to have Him speak to us in every day matters. What I have found is most of the time, the relationship with God consists of a confidence and underlying reception of God's complete acceptance of me. This is communicated to me from God by His Presence. That is it! The spiritual communication between my Spirit and the Spirit of God. The more I turn the eyes of my spirit to God, the more He is able to heighten my sense of who He is period.

So how can we be close to God? Here are some keys....

How do I receive from and become close to God?
We receive anything we ask because we obey his commands and do what pleases him. 1 Jn 3:21

What is the command?
To love one another as he commands us. 1 Jn 3:23

What is love?
This is how we know what love is; Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 1 Jn 3:16
Laying down your life here does not mean dying physically. This is a heart attitude of always laying down our own agendas for the agenda of Father God. His agenda is Loving People.

How do we find rest?
Love in action and truth. This is how we set our hearts at rest in His Presence, whenever our hearts condemn us. 1 Jn. 3:19
This is something that I can't live without, but I so often struggle to stay in. Self focus will take us immediately out of rest, but loving others is the avenue to live in rest.

Who condemns us?
Our hearts 1 Jn 3:19 (Notice, it isn't God)

How do we combat this?
Love in action and truth. 1 Jn 3:19
To me this is getting our eyes off of ourselves and being about others. Being about the work of Him, and He is always about others.

Monday, July 11, 2011

How to Inherit a Blessing

1 Peter 3:9 says "Do not repay evil for evil". This is interesting seeing as when someone treats us bad, we want to retaliate. Sometimes I have mental escapades of me being super woman and taking out the bad guy. Especially when someone has been mean to someone I love. But, I have to immediately repent, because I don't want to miss a promise of God, and I know blessings come from obedience. Check out the promise....
The rest of the verse says..."because to this you were called, so that you may inherit a blessing." See there it is....
If we repay evil to someone who mistreats us, we miss the blessing of God. Also, if we will step out of the way, God says "vengeance belongs to Him. I will repay, says the Lord." So next time someone treats you rudely or unfairly, let this motivate you to be kind. Push past the emotions of the moment and remember that you will inherit a blessing from God Almighty! Powerful and that is a good thing I don't want to miss.

Strife Steals My Blessing

Where there is striving, there is no grace. Where I compete and war to be in control, there is no life of God. I started thinking about this in my marriage. When I bring strife into our home, whether it is controlling, seeking my own way, or demanding expectations on my mate, God can't bless me. I want to be blessed. I want prosperity. I want growth and multiplication and I know that strife will steal this from me. So the encouragement.....begin to ask God for Grace to honor your mate and love them. That is what I am doing. And know, it doesn't have to be about how you feel. It can be about obedience to God.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Power of Prayer & The Enemies Methods to Distract

Prayer is a powerful tool. It really moves things. Somehow connecting with God and bringing things to Him moves things spiritually. God often times gives us words of knowledge or discernment about people....things they have not shared with us, but God shows us and trusts to with. Why? Only so we can pray....1 Pe. 4:7 says, "Be clear minded & self controlled so that you can pray." This opened my eyes to why the enemy trys to keep us distracted and self focused. Because if we are, we can't pray. The enemy wants us to see prayer as insignificant. He wants us to think nothing is being accomplished through prayer, so we won't do it. This should be proof of how powerful it is. Just think of the times in the Bible when people prayed...things moved....
Joshua- the sun stood still.
David- defeated numerous nations after seeking the Lord
Elijah- defeated the profits of Baal
Jesus- conquered death & gained the power to allow Himself to die for us
So, to sum up, don't believe the lie that prayer doesn't work, and when you feel distracted and self consumed, recognize it as an attack to get you to not be about the Lord's Work.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Power to Get Wealth

Then you say in your heart, My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth. And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.
Duet 8:18

God’s covenant with us has a by-product of prosperity. He is giving us power to get wealth based out of a promise/covenant He made. Us prospering is God keeping His word to us. True prosperity only comes out of trusting God, and it requires a sacrifice (based out of trust) on the front side. Every time God is getting ready to prosper us, He is going to show/tell us to do something that seems a little scary, and like we are losing. He is going to put us in a place to trust him to open the door for Him to “give us power to get wealth”, and in doing that He is establishing His covenant. We don’t do it, He does it! He just manifests the covenant through us being willing to obey.

Main point- God Gives us power to get wealth.
Why? That he might establish his covenant.
What does it require of us? Complete trust even in the face of feeling there is no way we will make it (other than God saving us). It requires an action from us on the front side whatever that may be. In a short term, it requires obedience from us.
So is prosperity from God? Absolutely, and it is a by-product of walking in obedience to Him.
Does prosperity glorify God? Absolutely, and it is a means by which we see His covenant being established. He is establishing it.
So why do the wicked prosper? Anything gained by the hand of man can be taken by the hand of man. When God gives us the power to get wealth, it remains His wealth, His covenant, and He establishes it, therefore, man can not take it away and keeping it does not depend on how good we are, but how good God is. We just get to enjoy what came from Him.

Friday, March 4, 2011

What if it all depends on us? What if the coming of God’s kingdom depends on the bride’s willingness to be prepared. We are being knit together with one another to become a holy temple and a dwelling place for Christ. Can we postpone the reconciliation of Christ with his home (the bride, the church) by being unwilling to be knit together to form his home. Eph 2:21-22. Perhaps God is giving us more of a part than we realize. We must be purposed about being more like Jesus. We must be purposed about being more intimate with Him, with our spouse, with our friends. For me, this is obeying God in the small revelations He gives me about what it means to obey Him. He is showing me how to obey. If I obey, I am speeding along the coming of His kingdom. We are supposed to believe the Kingdom is coming in our life time. We are supposed to look for it, wait for it, believe it is coming and seek it out. ("Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who is a merchant seeking fine pearls, who having found one pearl of great price, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it." Matthew 13:45-46 ) (The virgins with the oil lamps awaiting the coming King - Matthew 25:1-13). We should want it so bad, that we seek opportunities to obey, and when we don’t, it grieves the process of His coming Kingdom. We have been waiting on God, but is He waiting on us?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

God's Celebration in Forgiving Us

God’s Celebration of Forgiveness
Even the son doesn’t judge (Jn. 12:47), so when I judge and condemn myself, I am saying I have more of a right than Christ does. When we live out of our own judgment of right and wrong, this is us playing God.

For example, we speak against our president or other authorities and justify it because we say their actions don’t line up with our personal standard of good. When we do this and disregard the word of God (all authority is appointed of God) and elevate our standard above God’s word, we have become God of our own life. We have told God that we know better than him.

For example, when we distance our self from God, because we believe our actions or attitudes are not able to be forgiven, or that we have done something worthy of judgement more than what God would judge us, then we play God. In pride, our flesh tricks us into disconnecting from God’s love and acceptance. We become judge of ourselves saying that we don’t deserve God’s forgiveness. And all the while are flesh becomes independent. Our spirit man grieves and suffers, and we live in the weight of condemnation and lack of intimacy. Then we want to blame the people closest to us. This shows our lack of trust for God to deal kindly with us. We are actually afraid of his response, because we do not BELIEVE Him to take care of us and forgive us (1 Jn 1:9). We say that we will not rely on Christ as our sufficiency when we judge ourselves. We will not trust Jesus, and receive from Him. We will not let Him be salvation for us. We would rather live in death. This is the pride of self-condemnation and judgement out of our own standard of good and evil. This is the tree of The Knowledge of Good & Evil that took life from us. (For if you eat of it, you will surely die- live in separation from God. Ge.2:17) When we eat of it we take life from ourselves.

To the man who wanted to defend his position and judge that he was right against his adversary,
Christ said...... “Yes, and why even of yourselves do you not judge what is right. When you go with your adversary to the magistrate make every effort along the way to settle with him.” Lk 12:57

This story shows us....
1. We are not a righteous judge of right and wrong, only God is.
2. Our place is to seek forgiveness even if we don’t feel we are wrong. If your brother is offended, seek forgiveness.

Father you take more delight in us making mistakes and repenting than being “just” and needing no forgiveness.
“I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.” Lk 15:7

When we live in fear of failure or trying to be perfect, we are living in independence.

God celebrates repentance....
Lk 15:21-24 And the son said to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son. “ But the Father said to his servants, “Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; for this my son was dead and is alive again he was lost and is found.” And they began to be merry.

God loves the one who would do what is in his heart to do and live free...not to willfully sin against him, but like a child to just be what we really are. Then, as we see we are wrong, not because we are searching ourselves in pride (out of an unwillingness to fail), but because we realize the intimacy of the Father is missing (because we stepped away), we long to be back close to him. At this point we are at a place to truly repent. This is what God loves....that we come back because we miss his Presence...

The Pharisees never missed it. They were perfect in their own eyes and they went out of their way to keep the law and be clean. However, they had no need for God and they delighted in their ability. Let’s look at the older son....

Lk 15:27-28 But he was angry and would not go in. Therefore his father came out and pleaded with him. So he answered and said to his father. Lo, these many years I have been serving you; I never transgressed your commandment at any time; and yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might make merry with my friends.

This attitude is an attitude of performance. He was serving his Father with an expectation. An expectation that his father would notice him, accept him, and praise him based on his performance. He was angry that the expectations (he never even told his father) were not met. But because he didn’t need his father’s forgiveness, and he lived in independence and lack of intimacy, he did not even have the humility to ask for what he wanted. He underlyingly demanded it.

The Fathers Response - Lk 15:32 Son you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.

See, the son could have partaken in all that the Father possessed, but because of lack of intimacy, he never believed he was close enough to enjoy the things of the Father. He never needed too, and he never thought to ask. He was independent and so busy performing that he missed the relationship.

Our fear of failing shows our lack of trust in God’s character to forgive us.

As an older son, we can enjoy and delight that we get to partake in all of our Father’s blessings. We can quit performing and delight in a life of obedience and the abundance that brings. We can celebrate when we see others finding the Presence of the Father and be willing to share all that we have found with them. Not to compete for a place. Not to feel that we are going to be cut out because someone else is finding what we have found.

God’s Celebration of Forgiveness

God’s Celebration of Forgiveness
Even the son doesn’t judge (Jn. 12:47), so when I judge and condemn myself, I am saying I have more of a right than Christ does. When we live out of our own judgment of right and wrong, this is us playing God.

For example, we speak against our president or other authorities and justify it because we say their actions don’t line up with our personal standard of good. When we do this and disregard the word of God (all authority is appointed of God) and elevate our standard above God’s word, we have become God of our own life. We have told God that we know better than him.

For example, when we distance our self from God, because we believe our actions or attitudes are not able to be forgiven, or that we have done something worthy of judgement more than what God would judge us, then we play God. In pride, our flesh tricks us into disconnecting from God’s love and acceptance. We become judge of ourselves saying that we don’t deserve God’s forgiveness. And all the while are flesh becomes independent. Our spirit man grieves and suffers, and we live in the weight of condemnation and lack of intimacy. Then we want to blame the people closest to us. This shows our lack of trust for God to deal kindly with us. We are actually afraid of his response, because we do not BELIEVE Him to take care of us and forgive us (1 Jn 1:9). We say that we will not rely on Christ as our sufficiency when we judge ourselves. We will not trust Jesus, and receive from Him. We will not let Him be salvation for us. We would rather live in death. This is the pride of self-condemnation and judgement out of our own standard of good and evil. This is the tree of The Knowledge of Good & Evil that took life from us. (For if you eat of it, you will surely die- live in separation from God. Ge.2:17) When we eat of it we take life from ourselves.

To the man who wanted to defend his position and judge that he was right against his adversary,
Christ said...... “Yes, and why even of yourselves do you not judge what is right. When you go with your adversary to the magistrate make every effort along the way to settle with him.” Lk 12:57

This story shows us....

1. We are not a righteous judge of right and wrong, only God is.
2. Our place is to seek forgiveness even if we don’t feel we are wrong. If your brother is offended, seek forgiveness.

Father you take more delight in us making mistakes and repenting than being “just” and needing no forgiveness.
“I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.” Lk 15:7

When we live in fear of failure or trying to be perfect, we are living in independence.

God celebrates repentance....
Lk 15:21-24 And the son said to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son. “ But the Father said to his servants, “Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; for this my son was dead and is alive again he was lost and is found.” And they began to be merry.

God loves the one who would do what is in his heart to do and live free...not to willfully sin against him, but like a child to just be what we really are. Then, as we see we are wrong, not because we are searching ourselves in pride (out of an unwillingness to fail), but because we realize the intimacy of the Father is missing (because we stepped away), we long to be back close to him. At this point we are at a place to truly repent. This is what God loves....that we come back because we miss his Presence...

The Pharisees never missed it. They were perfect in their own eyes and they went out of their way to keep the law and be clean. However, they had no need for God and they delighted in their ability. Let’s look at the older son....

Lk 15:27-28 But he was angry and would not go in. Therefore his father came out and pleaded with him. So he answered and said to his father. Lo, these many years I have been serving you; I never transgressed your commandment at any time; and yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might make merry with my friends.

This attitude is an attitude of performance. He was serving his Father with an expectation. An expectation that his father would notice him, accept him, and praise him based on his performance. He was angry that the expectations (he never even told his father) were not met. But because he didn’t need his father’s forgiveness, and he lived in independence and lack of intimacy, he did not even have the humility to ask for what he wanted. He underlyingly demanded it.

The Fathers Response - Lk 15:32 Son you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.

See, the son could have partaken in all that the Father possessed, but because of lack of intimacy, he never believed he was close enough to enjoy the things of the Father. He never needed too, and he never thought to ask. He was independent and so busy performing that he missed the relationship.

Our fear of failing shows our lack of trust in God’s character to forgive us.

As an older son, we can enjoy and delight that we get to partake in all of our Father’s blessings. We can quit performing and delight in a life of obedience and the abundance that brings. We can celebrate when we see others finding the Presence of the Father and be willing to share all that we have found with them. Not to compete for a place. Not to feel that we are going to be cut out because someone else is finding what we have found.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Get Your Poetry On

Yes, I am finding great joy in this creative outlet. Just close your eyes and think of something beautiful. Now write about it. You will be amazed at how this exercise can open your mind, lift your spirits, and get you thinking on a higher plane than the every day drone. We are created to enjoy beauty. We look for it and we crave it. We recognize it when we see it. Your imagination is a tool built into your core makeup. When used in the way intended, it can create the very visions that you can live out in your every day life. We are created in the image of a creator who creates with a single thought. Our thoughts become the life we create. We have creation power. Decide what you want your life to be and create it. Spend time envisioning your dreams, envisioning beauty....and maybe poetry can be a tool that will help you as well.

Poetry of the Day -Vision Captured

Expanse far beyond what eyes can see
Grain fields flowing with grain endlessly
Sky meets golden grain blowing gently in the wind
Blue and gold colliding make colors bend
Everything flies
and the expanse engulfs me in my minds eye
Reckless beauty enraptures soul
Worries escape and peace consoles
Standing free in beauty